Sunday, May 25, 2014

Holy shit sorry im late

So sorry i am late. I havent posted in forever. I went to animinneapolis today and yesterday and friday. It was fun. Yesterday i payed for my love to get in. That was fun. That was the only day of the con i could let loose and just enjoy myself completely because i wasnt sulking over him not being there. I hugged him so many times. I lost count at 36. He tried to teach me to twerk. He let me and a bunch of other touch his ass. Man that was fun. Until yr friends ditch u for random strangers they just met that day even tho u payed for them to come and then ur other friend that they barely even know starts screaming at them and it makes u feel like a bitch and u dont even know why u do u just do while in the same day u break the heart of a friend of 6 years because u dont like them back but other than that yeah it is fun.
What teh fuck why are the letters suddenly small i am sad.

My friends and i

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Haha i am o ad right now. Isn't being in love horrible? Especially when it is your best friend? And even more when he has no idea, and thinks of you as a sister, and has a girlfriend that he wont stop talking about? Yeah. Sometimes life is just there to shit in your face. Today was great until we started snapchatting. I was ecstatic today, I got a hug from Micheal Rooker at comicon, i saw Matt Smith, I met up with some friends as comicon, i cosplayed, i took some pictures, I drew a little, and i snapchatted friends.
But then of course he brings up his girlfriend. And of course i have to make some lame excuse to stop talking to him o i dont start crying again. I wish i could tell someone i know, talk to them about it. I can't talk to mom about it because that is awkward. I can;t talk to Lizzie about it because she will get annoyed plus she doesnt have access to a phone or a computer right now. I cant talk to Dave about it because even though i know he knows i like Moo i like to retend he doesnt know. So i am just going to talk to you guys. You guys being no one seeing as no one follow this blog. whatever, i can see why, unlike most blogs i dont pay attention to my grammar or spelling or puntuation or capitalization. i just type freely. this blog also isnt about anything specific, it is just there and i just write whatever i want in it.
Okay, sorry for wating your time by writing this. you probably dont want to read it. I jut needed to get it off my chest somehow. Goodnight? idk when anyone will be reading this but it is goodnight for me right now. goodnight. :3

Friday, May 2, 2014

Cosplay hair

Working in my cosplay hair right now with mom. Its not working because of my dark hair color so the colored hair spray wont turn as bright red as we want. I think mom wants to attempt to style the wig we have. I feel so bad that she is doing this for me. I feel like i am making everything hard for her to do. I wish i didnt want to go to this con because if i didnt then it would be a lot easier on every one.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cant sleep

*sigh* i cant sleep. And do you realize gow fucking annoying it is that the blogger app hasnt updated for ios 7 so i have to use ios 6.4 ir whatever the one before ios 7 was, i have you use that key ores and bittons and just all out interface and i hate it. Its just like no. Stop. Please stop. Thank you blogger. I hope you see this and update the app because fuck this interfce thats why. I was watching the lion king but mom made me go to bed so now i have to wait. Tomorrow after school and durring my free times during school i am goin to take my time to watch the lion king, the lion king 2, moulin rouge, and titanic. All of those movies because i havent had a good movie marathon in years. Oh ahit i can hear mom coming. Brb.
Ok im good. Im rather hungry though ao i think ima go sneak a snack. Night moterfuckers.


Oooh, i found a rather long Drarry fanfic. Here is a link to it if you want to read it. Ta Ta

Post Title

I just found my ipod. I havent used my ipod since 7th grade. this is like, a huge accomplishment. I am charging it now, i wonder what i have on it. It is an older ipod so there is no camera on it so i probably just downloaded a random amount of shit photos on it from google or some shit. HaHa i cant wait to see all the dumb games i got on it. Most likely all the angry birds games. Those games were a thing when i had the ipod. I am gunn go do my laundry, i wont post this yet. when i get back my ipod will be on and i will say what i found on it.
Ok back. yeah i was right about the photos but there are no games on it at all and the only contact i have on it is my friend S***n. i wont say his actual name. at the time he was my friend then he was my boyfriend a year ater and now he is my ex but still my friend. hehe. All the music is the same music on my phone (thanks icloud). 
Oh look! Moo is online. Should i go talk to him? i know he is my best friend but im horrible at starting conversations. Especially now that i have accepted my feelings for him (which he will never know aout hehe >:3) oh well. ima go talk to moo now. Cyas later.
Ok im back. Damn i am bored, he had to go do homework. god i keep looking over to my cosplay on the bench in my room. I cant wait until friday when i can wear it to the con. eeeee im so excited. <3 i cant fucking wait like omg this is gunna be the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Hehe, returns from kitchen to see cat laying on keyboard. that was fun. Hey, you guys should follow mu tumblr. I am new to using it and i really only reblog things but still. here it the link to it.
Ima go now. cya!

Homes alone and bored

Last night my mom went to a party with her friends and i stayed up so that before i went to bed i could giver her a hug goodnight. After she got home it was about midnight and i had a busy day and had been awake since 7am so i was really tired and went to bed. I didnt set my alarms and i didnt wake up today until 11am so my mom just told me to stay home and now i am bored as fuck. so here i am typing away and eating some booty. My friend from school is done snapchatting with me so im bored now because no one is online. *siiiigh* 
wow, i took a break from wiritng so i could open my tumblr and open youtube and play this youtube mix and then i endedd up going on tumblr for a while but at the same time i started to sing along to some of the songs without realizing it and i am singing while i am writing this currently and it is getting hard t concentrate on what what i am writing because of it. damn i love this song. ok im back i had to go sing for a minute. grr im bored i think i am just gunna make this a short post and stop writing now. 

The booty

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


ok, this post, is stricly only for me to try and post some songs. i will probably ust have to use videos. 
Can you feel the gay tonight (lion king song parody)
We should be lovers instead
Bad Apple

Hehe booordom

Ok so i found out that poeple CAN comment on blog posts, which is going to be very helpful once i get a few followers? is that what you call the people who read certain blogs? bloggers? i have no idea. oh well. HAHA i cant wait until the grammar nazis come and start yelling at me because im not using correct punctuation or spelling or grammar because i honestly dont care. i am literally just sitting down when i am bored and typing away whatever pops into mind. it is quite fun!
God, lately i have been reading so many fanfics, i havent played one of my video games for a really long time because of fanfiction. especially boy x boy fanfics, my favorite of which being Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy. yes. i said it. i love that ship and i read fanfictions on that ship all the time. it is the best and it is really the only way to go when shipping harry with someone. yes, i know Harry and Ginny is a canon couple, but everyone knows it wont work out between the two, and anybody can see the sexual tension between Harry and Draco. It is just inevitable that they turn out to be with each other. Their little adoptive children running around, having double dates with pansy and blaise, and ron and hermione. If there were any more movies coming out (even if there arent any more books) then i know for a fact it would have this ship in it. Drarry is my OTP. for those of you who are not familiar with what an OTP is, it stands for One True Pairing. Its a shippers saying. i have a shit ton of OPT's, like, im not even joking. i could list a few off for you. here:
Karkat Vantas x John Egbert (OTP)
Gamzee Makara x Tavros Nitram
John Egbert x Dave Strider (OTP)
Vriska Serket x John Egbert
Karkat Vantas x Nepeta Leijon
Nepeta Leijon x Equius Zahak
Karkat Vantas x Equius Zahak
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy (OOOOOOTTTTTTPPPPPP)
Blaise Zambini x Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger
Ron Weasly x Harry Potter
Ron Weasly x Draco Malfoy
there are a lot more but i am only going to list my ships from these two fandoms unless you want to be scrolling through the list for hours. Hehe, you guys should list some ships you have for some certain fandoms you are in. That would be fun! I always love hearing about other people ships. Feel free to ask me questions about mine any time.
Wow, i just started blogging earlier today and i started using tumblr 2 weeks ago and i am already finding blogger easier to us than tumblr. i feel like it is easier to write and there are less distractions. heh, probably true, tumblr has a lot of distractions.

Should i create a second blog for the times when i am awake at 4 am and have nothing to do? i always find it enjoyable to read people night blogs, maybe it would be even more enjoyable to write one? heh, i would probabl be sent to an insanesilem. fuck spellong.

Please reamber, do try not to upset Martin. Love you!

First post yay!

Hello! I have honestly never blogged before. I am hoping that i can keep up the posting on a regular basis that would be nice. To have something to look forward to doing every day. Anyways, haha, my name is Ivy, and to be completely honest, I am writing this in math class because math is booooring and i needed something to do.
So, i am sure you want to know a few things about me before you begin reading my blog any further than this post. I am 15, like i said before, i am in 9th grade and so far i love it. I have made many new friends in my new school and NO you cannot know what school i go to. God, i am not sure if you can see the font that this is, but it is really weird writing with it. Fuck it, its new. I kind don't mind.
SO, recently, like, a few months ago recently, my best friend finally got me to read a webcomic called homestuck. I am absolutely in love with it. And in 2 days, yes, 2 days, i am going to a can and i am cosplaying as Trickster Dirk Strider, i will be sure to post a picture so you can see what he looks like. I will post a picture of him and a picture of me in the cosplay. Hehe i cant wait, i have been waiting for this for weeks and i am finally here! i only have to get some read hair spray paint and the glasses and i am done and ready, if my computer camera worked well enough and didnt only see the things it is recording as white blobs of light then i would use omegle. but it is also really laggy, like i move, and five minutes later the camer finally registers that i actually moved.
Wow, i showed up late to school today, by and hour, and i got here after science was done and my science teacher just tried to talk to me. here is how this went: 
Teacher- *walks up to me* hey where have you been
Me- *points to headphones* what???
Teacher- *points ate my headphones to tell me to take them out* i said, when did you get here?
Teacher- durring art?
Me- nods still not taking headphones out and going back to blogging
Me- *thinks to self, "thank god he doesnt care that im not doing my math"*
Teacher-  ok *waves and leaves me alone*

That was awkward, OH YAY! this i a great song! can i post songs in blogs? i will have to see because if i can then i have a few that i need to post. everyone must hear. EVERYBODY *wonk*
HOE. LEE. SHIT. this sixth grader who just walked into class is a badass. he has a rainbow dash backpack. i have to remember to give him a highfive.

Yes, i do enjoy My Little Pony. Don't judge! ok, i cant control, you can judge if you want, just please keep it to yourself. thank you. Along with MLP, i also find enjoyment in some other childrens shows. I absoultely LOVE TEEN TITANS! no, not teen titans go, the shitty new one, i love the read teen titans, the original show and movies, i love them i used to watch them all the time whenever i got the chance. It is the best. Scooby doo is also amazing, once again, the original cartoon, not the new ones. Yogi bear and teenage mutant ninja turtles are pretty fucking amazing as well.
Okay, you know what, i am gunna change this font before i post this because i am not sure if you will be reading it in this font, fut i dont nessessarily like it. also, fuck my sleeing errors, im not gunna go back to fix those, i am typing really fast. I only have 7 minutes until lunch starts and i am hungry. I also want to see what my friends think of my blog. I hope they will apporve. HEY! maybe i should do a vlog on youtube if this gets enough hits? i think if this gets a good ammount of hits then i will. i definately will. hehe. well ima post this now, i know i didnt really cover very many things about me in this so if you have any questions feel free to ask, if that is a thing you can do on blogs. fuck i have no idea, whatever, i will cover more at lunch.

OH! I ALMOST FORGOT, PLEASE DO NOT UPSET MARTIN. I will post a picture of Martin later. You just have to remeber never to upset her. EVER. tata!

This is Martin. Don't upset her.